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111 - Home-made iddlis

05/10/2013 | 111 - Home-made iddlis

Some time back, my maid asked for a 3 month advance salary because her mum had been admitted in the hospital. Though I was upset that day because she had been bunking work too often, and without informing, I softened and helped her out.

When I met her next (one week later since I only see her on Saturdays), I asked news of her mother (who had had a heart attack).

And some three weeks later, she came in really happy, asking me if I liked South Indian food: her mum had been so touched that I asked about her health that she insisted on cooking for me!! So we made a deal and she was to provide me with breakfast the next Saturday.

She came in at 11.30 this morning in sheer panic: "Mam, you haven't had breakfast have you??" Here were my iddlis! (And no I hadn't had breakfast, partly because I remembered she was bringing food and partly because I had been awake for 10 minutes!

Next step, I am invited for a 15 year anniversary and Diwali at her place. And she says she was not daring inviting me coz she thought I'd never come...

18:45 Publié dans 365 days in India | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : india, maid, iddlis

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